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मुरादपुर होगा मुरलीपुर.. MP में गांवों के बदले जाएंगे नाम! जानें क्या बोले लोग

MP Village Name Change: मध्यप्रदेश की मोहन सरकार ने 54 गांवों के नाम बदलने की घोषणा की है. सीएम मोहन यादव ने देवास जिले के कार्यक्रम में इसका ऐलान किया. लोकल 18 ने ग्रामीणों से राय ली, जिसमें कुछ ने विकास को अधिक जरूरी बताया. इससे पहले जनवरी में 14 गांवों के नाम बदले गए थे. from मध्य प्रदेश News in Hindi, मध्य प्रदेश Latest News, मध्य प्रदेश News

"Royal Crisis, Climate Disaster, New Pope": Nostradamus' 2024 Predictions

All eyes are waiting for the clock to strike midnight, as we welcome 2024 with loads of anticipation. Along with the new year, comes a bunch of predictions from astrologers and mystics. 

Nostradamus, the 16th-century French astrologer, is believed to have made predictions for the future, including the year 2024. Citing his 1555 text “Les Propheties” (“The Prophecies”), a New York Post report said that Nostradamus predicted that 2024 will witness severe weather events and global strife.  

Let's take a detailed look at his predictions for 2024:

A naval battle

Nostradamus had predicted a “naval battle” and said that a “red adversary will become pale with fear, putting the great Ocean in dread.” 

The New York Post said that by “red adversary” Nostradamus could be referring to China and the nation's red flag. It went on to claim that the “naval battle” could be hinting at China's tensions with the island of Taiwan. 

Royal turmoil

As per IFLScience, one passage by Nostradamus states that the “King of the Isles” will be “driven out by force.” Some believe that he was mentioning King Charles III. In a different passage reportedly about King Charles, Nostradamus said, “Soon afterward [a disastrous war] a new King shall be anointed/ Who, for a long time, will appease the earth.”

British author Mario Reading, who wrote the book Nostradamus: The Complete Prophesies for the Future, analyzed the possible reason why King Charles III might “step down.” 

A Daily Mail report cited Reading as saying that this may happen “due to “persistent attacks on both himself and Queen Camilla. Reading claimed that Prince Harry would replace King Charles III instead of Prince William.

Climate disaster

Needless to say, the climate crisis has become more apparent in recent years. For 2024, Nostradamus has predicted it would get worse. A passage from his predictions read, “The dry earth will grow more parched, and there will be great floods when it is seen.”

A new Pope

Going by the French astrologer's prediction, the world could soon see a replacement for Pope Francis. Nostradamus wrote, “Through the death of a very old Pontiff, A Roman of good age will be elected, Of him it will be said that he weakens his see, But long will he sit and in biting activity.”

from NDTV News- Special


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