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मुरादपुर होगा मुरलीपुर.. MP में गांवों के बदले जाएंगे नाम! जानें क्या बोले लोग

MP Village Name Change: मध्यप्रदेश की मोहन सरकार ने 54 गांवों के नाम बदलने की घोषणा की है. सीएम मोहन यादव ने देवास जिले के कार्यक्रम में इसका ऐलान किया. लोकल 18 ने ग्रामीणों से राय ली, जिसमें कुछ ने विकास को अधिक जरूरी बताया. इससे पहले जनवरी में 14 गांवों के नाम बदले गए थे. from मध्य प्रदेश News in Hindi, मध्य प्रदेश Latest News, मध्य प्रदेश News

NASA Shares Pic Of Galaxy Trio Located 500 Million Light-Years From Earth

US space agency NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) often delights space enthusiasts with updates on the latest discoveries related to galaxies, stars, and planets within our solar system. It also shares captivating images captured by its spacecraft. Now, in its most recent post, the space agency dropped a mesmerising photograph of an interacting galaxy pair known as Arp-Madore 2339-661. Located roughly 500 million light-years from Earth, the image was captured using NASA and the European Space Agency's Hubble Space Telescope. 

"A galactic tango! This striking #HubbleFriday image captures the gravitationally-interacting galaxy pair known as Arp-Madore 2339-661," NASA wrote in the caption. 

Take a look below: 

The two galaxies are in the process of merging, according to a statement from the European Space Agency. One galaxy is known as NGC 7733 - the smaller galaxy seen in the lower right - and the other is NGC 7734 - the larger galaxy in the upper left. However, hidden in the star-studded spiral arm of the smaller galaxy is yet another galaxy, referred to as NGC 7733N. 

"The third galaxy is currently referred to as NGC 7733N, and can actually be spotted in this picture if you look carefully at the upper arm of NGC 7733, where there is a visually notable knot-like structure, glowing with a different colour to the arm and obscured by dark dust," the ESA wrote in its blog.

"This could easily pass as part of NGC 7733, but analysis of the velocities (speed, but also considering direction) involved in the galaxy shows that this knot has a considerable additional redshift, meaning that it is very likely its own entity and not part of NGC 7733," it added. 

Also Read | Mysterious Force Suppressing Growth of Cosmic Structures, Study Finds

Further, according to the European Space Agency, the three galaxies lie relatively close to each other in the constellation Tucana and are interacting gravitationally with one another. In fact, some science literature refers to them as a 'merging group,' which means they will ultimately become a single entity, ESA said. 

Meanwhile, since being posted, the picture has collected nearly 7 lakh likes on Instagram. 

from NDTV News- Special


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