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मुरादपुर होगा मुरलीपुर.. MP में गांवों के बदले जाएंगे नाम! जानें क्या बोले लोग

MP Village Name Change: मध्यप्रदेश की मोहन सरकार ने 54 गांवों के नाम बदलने की घोषणा की है. सीएम मोहन यादव ने देवास जिले के कार्यक्रम में इसका ऐलान किया. लोकल 18 ने ग्रामीणों से राय ली, जिसमें कुछ ने विकास को अधिक जरूरी बताया. इससे पहले जनवरी में 14 गांवों के नाम बदले गए थे. from मध्य प्रदेश News in Hindi, मध्य प्रदेश Latest News, मध्य प्रदेश News

Is It Noah's Ark? Experts Find 5000-Year-Old Boat-Shaped Mound In Turkey

Archaeologists in Turkey have discovered what they believe to be ruins of a Noah's Ark-like vessel after excavating a geological site, the New York Post reported. The Mount Ararat and Noah's Ark Research Team is comprised of three Turkish and American universities, and their project began in 2021.

The team extracted aged rock and soil samples from a geological formation in Turkey, which they believe contained the ruins of the vessel. Their findings also determined that ''clayey materials, marine materials, and seafood'' were present in the area between 5500 and 3000 BC, according to the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet.

The Durupinar formation lies in the Doğubayazıt district of Ağrı, located less than two miles from the Iran-Turkey border. It is a 538-foot geographic feature made of limonite, believed by some locals to be the remnants of Noah's Ark.

According to legend, Noah loaded two of every animal onto a 150-meter-long ark to save them from apocalyptic flooding that drowned the Earth. In the Book of Genesis, it was the mountains of Ararat in what is now eastern Turkey where Noah's Ark came to rest after the flood.

The mountain stands at 16,500 feet and is carved out like an ark.

AICU Vice Rector Professor Faruk Kaya said, ''According to the first findings obtained from the studies, there have been human activities in the region since the Chalcolithic period between the years 5500 and 3000 BC. It is known that the flood of Prophet Noah went back 5,000 years ago. In terms of dating, it is stated that there was life in this region as well.

This was revealed in the laboratory results. It is not possible to say that the ship is here with the dating. We need to work for a long time to reveal this.''

While dozens of researchers and individuals have claimed to have located the ark, no one has ever been able to produce definitive evidence. The holy texts of three religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, have all made references to Noah's Ark.


from NDTV News- Special


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