Chinese AI sensation DeepSeek on Monday said it was limiting the registration of new users due to large-scale cyberattacks on its services. The company, whose chatbot took over OpenAI's ChatGPT as Apple's top downloaded app on Monday, cited "large-scale malicious attacks" for outages and its inability to take on new users. DeepSeek, which was developed by a start-up based in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou, has shown the ability to match the capacity of AI pace-setters such as Nvidia. Its success on the US app store sent shares in AI-linked tech giants plummeting on Monday. The low-cost Chinese generative AI venture is thought to have matched US companies in its abilities but at a fraction of the cost. Analysts had long thought that the United States' critical advantage over China when it comes to producing high-powered chips -- and its ability to prevent the Asian power from accessing the technology -- would give it the edge in the AI race. Available a...
The government has listed the contentious Triple Talaq Bill, which aims to curb the controversial Islamic practice of instant divorce, for consideration and passage in the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday. The...
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